Follow The Money

A Vision and Priorities workshop designed for teams of 2 to 200.

Matthew Needham giving an explanation

It’s time to Follow The Money to the outcomes that matter most.

Introducing: “Follow the Money

How to Focus When You Have Too Many Priorities

In a world awash with tasks, objectives, endless meetings, and ever-changing priorities, it’s all too easy for teams and leadership groups to find themselves lost at sea. Everyone is rowing hard, but if you’re all rowing in different directions, you’re just stirring the water.

Sound familiar?

Welcome to “Follow the Money,” a workshop for teams 2-200. It aims to slice through the fog of ‘busyness’ to uncover what really moves the dial for your team or organisation. This isn’t about adding more to your to-do list; it’s about clarifying, streamlining, and focusing on what genuinely matters over the next 2-3 years, as well as setting immediate goals for the next 2-3 months.

Why This Workshop?

Let’s face it: when leaders tell me, “We have too many priorities,” what they’re really saying is, “We have no priorities.” It’s a common issue —teams work tirelessly with little to show for it but exhaustion and frustration.

Worse still, they’re expected to achieve more with fewer resources and people. 

“Follow the Money” offers a practical way out.

This workshop acts as a compass to guide your team to clarity by focusing on the priorities that will achieve your organisation’s vision. It not only defines what truly matters, but also lays out the practical steps to achieve it.

In essence, “Follow the Money” confronts the critical question head-on: “Does my team actually know what they’re working towards?”

By answering this, “Follow the Money” empowers your team to move forward with confidence and purpose, breaking free from the cycle of “busyness” and inefficiency.

I have never seen the team so engaged

Director Finance and Commercial, International Charity

What You’ll Gain:

Everyone on the Same Page: Ensure every team member knows, understands and works towards the same overall goal. Reducing confusion and aligning efforts leads to more efficient working.

Clear Priorities: Identify and focus on the most crucial tasks first. This will help your team avoid wasted effort and unnecessary work and accelerate progress towards your vision. 

Actionable Goals: Set realistic, immediate goals that quickly enhance your team’s performance. Providing clear targets and the satisfaction of achieving visible results.  

Effective Teamwork: Improve the way your team communicates and collaborates. Better communication, collaboration, and engagement ensure everyone is aligned and moving in the same direction.

Your Next Step:

Ready to transform your team’s performance and streamline your priorities?


It is time to unlock your team’s true potential with my exclusive workshops.


Click the ‘Book A Call’ button to set up a discovery call.


 Note: This workshop can be delivered in person or via Teams/Zoom and can be extended to a full day (or two half days) to include deeper dives on delivery. In addition, I can incorporate leadership interviews with key stakeholders.